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March 9, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 34. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Sweetwater Developers, LLC for Sweetwater Station Phases 8, 10 and 11. This is for a development consisting of 81 single family homes in the Gateway Service area. Also, approval of an associated railroad Facility Encroachment Agreement inclusive of cost sharing provision as stated. | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description Sweetwater Developers of Georgia, LLC, a Georgia Limited Liability Company, has requested a water and sewer agreement for Sweetwater Station Phases 8, 10, and 11. This single-familiy residential development is located in the City of Savannah, west of Georgetown. The water and sewer systems have been adequately designed to serve this development with a capacity of 81 equivalent residential units (ERUs) and are located in the Sweetwater Service Area. The water and wastewater fees for this capacity equal approximately $288,360 based on proposed water consumption and the fees shall be paid by the developer.
To loop the Sweetwater Station water system into the larger Georgetown water system requires 177-feet of 8-inch water main to be bored under the CSX railroad (thus Facility Encroachment Agreement is required). This main will interconnect these two adjacent yet distinct systems, thereby creating redundant/back-up water delivery routes for fire protection and enhanced water quality for both neighborhoods. This is consistent with the City of Savannah Water Resources’ goal of strategic and sustainable water operations.
The cost of the bore under the CSX railroad is estimated to be $124,615 and represents the City’s cost share. The developer is bearing the cost of about 390-feet of connecting water main and the engineering design services. Both agreements have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney for legal format. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Charles Tessmer, Senior Civil Engineer, Water Resources Planning and Engineering | |
Financial Impact Revenue of $288,360 and Expenditure of $124,615 for City Construction Cost Share form the XXX Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Sweetwater Phase 8 10 & 11.pdf Exhibit 2 : Facility Encroachment Agreement.pdf Exhibit 3 : Sweetwater-Georgetown Water Main Loop.pdf |
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