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March 11, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 38. Approval of Public Art Information Displays Within Kiosks on the 400 Block of Broughton Street | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description The applicant is requesting approval for Public Art information displays within kiosks on the 400 block of West Broughton Street. The kiosks are part of a larger project, spanning six blocks, from Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (400 Block), to Drayton Street (0 block of East Broughton). North Kiosk: The kiosk on the north side of the street will focus on the transition of Broughton Street from a residential area to a more commercial area in the late 1800s. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from Savannah - Chatham County indicate the location of the residential dwellings west on Broughton Street highlighting the diversity of businesses in the early 20th century. (Please see attachment for exact verbiage). South Kiosk: The kiosk on the south side of the street will focus on Savannah’s two primary commercial corridors – Broughton Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (formerly West Broad Street). The copy discusses the contrast between the two corridors due to segregation. (Please see attachment for exact verbiage). All funding is part of phase 1 of the Broughton Street Streetscape Improvement Project, and as part of phase 1 of the Broughton Street Streetscape Improvement Project, the kiosks and public art will be maintained as part of operations of various City departments. The Savannah – Chatham County Historic Site and Monument Commission hereby recommends approval of the public art located on the 400 block of Broughton Street to the Savannah City Council, because otherwise it meets the standards set forth in the Master Plan and Guidelines for Markers, Monuments, and Public Art. AND The Savannah – Chatham County Historic Site and Monument Commission does herby continue the additional (5) five blocks of future proposed public art, to allow for the public art to be submitted to the Historic Site and Monument Commission at a future date, for review, when the City of Savannah has all required information ready. File # 21-000348-PA | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Leah Michalak, MPC Historic Preservation | |
Financial Impact None | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: SIGNED Board Decision.pdf Exhibit 2: Submittal Packet .pdf |
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