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July 28, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 19. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Glass Recycle Collection and Disposal with Glasswrx, LLC in an Amount not to Exceed $104,448. This will provide 12 roll-off containers at existing convenience and recycling drop-off centers in various locations throughout the City. (Sanitation) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description This is to award an annual contract for glass recycle collection and disposal with Glasswrx, LLC in the amount of $104,448. The contract will provide 12 roll-off containers at existing convenience (i.e Bacon Park, Dean Forest Road Landfill) and recycling drop-off centers in various locations throughout the City of Savannah. Customers are expected to transport and dispose of glass at the centers. This will help remove glass from the current City's recycling stream in a sustainable and responsible manner.
The method used for this procurement was the request for proposals (RFP), which evaluates criteria in addition to cost. The proposals were evaluated based on proposer’s qualifications and experience, including support capabilities, program concept, processing capacities, data and reporting, rebate and fees, references, and Savannah First. The contract term expires on July 27, 2023. This contract also includes four (4) available annual renewal options. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days.
The bidders were: B.P. Glasswrx, LLC (302 Parker Dr, Beaufort, SC)(D) $104,448 A pre-proposal conference was conducted and one vendor attended. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business.
Local vendors notified via the supplier portal: Yes Total sent: 325 Total received: 1 | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Quhannah Andrews, Interim Senior Director, Sanitation | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $104,448 from the Sanitation Fund/Recycling & Litter Services. | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Glass Recycle Collection and Disposal.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Glass Recycle Collection and Disposal.pdf |
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