Requesting approval for acquisition of 1,682.4 square feet of right-of-way and a 1,453.4 square foot slope easement at 1303 West Gwinnett Street (PIN 2-0050 -17-001B) necessary to facilitate the West Gwinnett Street Road Widening Project in association with the Arena Development. This property is owned by Trinh Luong and Tam Dong, and is located at the southwest corner of West Gwinnett Street and Stiles Avenue. The appraised fair market value for the right-of-way and easement totals $26,000. Trinh Luong and Tam Dong counter-offered at $38,600. A settlement of $33,000 was negotiated and agreed upon to avoid the costs associated with eminent domain. Further request approval for the City Manager to execute all associated closing documents.