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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
37. Motion to Approve Task Work Order No. 2 with AECOM for Southeast Quadrant Stormwater Drainage Improvements, in an Amount Not to Exceed $459,255 (Savannah Airport Commission)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Savannah Airport Commission recommends approval of Task Work Order No. 2 with AECOM for Southeast Quadrant Stormwater Drainage Improvements, in an amount NTE $459,255.00. In the case of the Southeast Quadrant Stormwater Drainage Improvements, an Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) was required as per FAA policy. AECOM will prepare construction documents and submit permit applications for the proposed drainage improvements in the Southeast Quadrant Drainage Area Stormwater Master Plan (SE SWMP). The purpose of the proposed drainage improvements is to provide a regional stormwater management system to re-route and convey stormwater runoff to two interconnected regional ponds to treat and attenuate stormwater runoff from areas where future development is proposed. The proposed drainage system also alleviates flooding at the driveway entrance to the Georgia Air National Guard off Robert B. Miller Drive. The scope of services includes the preparation of construction plans, specifications, and permit applications. The plans will include new underground piped storm sewer systems, modifications to an existing wet detention pond, a new wet detention pond, erosion sediment control, and utility relocations to accommodate the construction of the new stormwater sewer pipe. AECOM will perform these services as they relate to the existing agreement dated May 1, 2019. Request for quotes was sent to Mead & Hunt, CMT, and RS&H. Mead & Hunt was the lowest cost firm with a quote of $3,000.00 and were awarded the project. Mead & Hunt submitted their IFE based on the scope of services defined by AECOM. Mead & Hunt’s IFE was $443,560.00. AECOM’s estimate was $459,255.00. Although AECOM’s fee estimate was higher than that of Mead & Hunt, AECOM’s estimate included a full survey of underground utilities whereas Mead & Hunt’s did not. Additionally, AECOM’s fee estimate was within 10% of Mead & Hunt’s fee estimate, which is applicable per FAA guidelines. The IFE package was submitted to the FAA for review and acceptance.



George Fidler, Director of Engineering for the Savannah Airport Commission
Financial Impact
Expenditure of an Amount Not to Exceed $459,255.00 from Savannah Airport Commission Funds
Review Comments
Agenda Plus