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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
49. Motion to Approve an Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Savannah and Family Promise of Greater Savannah and to Authorize the Extension of the agreement through July 31, 2019
Strategic Priority
Economic Strength And Poverty Reduction

Staff is requesting approval to authorize the extension of the agreement with Family Promise through July 31, 2019 to enable the agency to provide additional persons with homeless prevention assistance.

Family Promise utilizes Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds to assist eligible persons with rent and utility payments to prevent them from becoming homeless.  Article IV of the Agreement provides that it shall be effective through December 31, 2018.   However, the agency has funds remaining in their 2018 award that they desire to expend in 2019 to provide additional individuals and families with homeless prevention assistance. Federal regulations allow for a 24-month period to expend ESG funds and the Human Services Department has no issues with allowing the agency the additional time needed to expend the remaining funds. The unexpended balance of the contract is $21,949.36.



Kerri Reid, Director of Human Services
Financial Impact
Review Comments
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