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February 22, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 33. Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Sale of a Permanent Easement to 63 MLK, LLC for Installation of Seven Substantial Foundation Encroachments on City Right-of-Way at 63 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (PIN 20016 17006). | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description Petitioner John Giordano, on behalf of property owner 63 MLK, LLC, has petitioned the City to encroach on City right-of-way as part of a hotel construction project located at 63 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (PIN 20016 17006). The seven encroachments encumber 629.28 square feet of right-of-way and include foundation walls for installation of a transformer vault, two parking garage exhausts, grease hose access, a laundry ironer exhaust areaway, and two laundry dryer exhaust areaways. Park & Tree, Water and Sewer Planning & Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Stormwater, Development Services, Planning & Urban Design, and Real Estate Services have reviewed and approved the request.
Given the permanent nature of these encroachments, staff recommends conveyance of a permanent easement to the property owner. An appraisal was performed by a third-party Member, Appraisal Institute (MAI) designated real estate appraiser who determined fair market value of the land rights to be $7,900. 63 MLK, LLC has agreed to the purchase price of $7,900, as well as any associated transaction fees. Additionally requested is approval and autorization for the City Manager to execute easement and any closing documents. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact David Keating, Senior Director, Real Estate Administration Department | |
Financial Impact Revenue of $7,900 to the General Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Maps - 63 MLK Jr Blvd.pdf Exhibit 2: Plans and Specs - 63 MLK Jr Blvd.pdf |
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