Meeting Begins at 10:00 a.m.

February 13, 2020 City Council Workshop
Workshop Agenda Items
1. Discussion - Upcoming Working Sessions for Budget, Arena/Canal District, Workforce Housing, Airport Briefing
2. Legal Update
Exhibit 1: Legal Update Presentation.pdf
3. Bonding Public Projects Presentation
Exhibit 1: Bonding City Projects Presentation.pptx
4. Rockingham Farms Presentation
5. 2020 Legislative Update
Exhibit 1: 2020 Legislative Update.pdf
6. St. Patrick's Day Presentation
Exhibit 1: 2020 St. Patrick's Day Presentation .pdf
7. Special Events Ordinance Presentation
Exhibit 1: 2020 Special Events Ordinance Presentation.pdf
8. Litigation, Real Estate and Personnel
9. Review of Agenda
Agenda Plus