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December 5, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 17. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract with Granicus Government at Carahsoft for Agenda Software in the Amount of $30,163.64 (Event No. 7548) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description Recommend approval to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Granicus Government at Carahsoft for Agenda Software in the Amount of $30,163.64. In 2016, the Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) entered into an annual contract with Agile Tech Consulting, LLC. for an online meeting workflow solution in the amount of $35,000. Soon after the City of Savannah realized that efficiencies were available by entering into an MOU with the MPC to utilize AgendaPlus. The decision to utilize an online platform for the City Council agendas has saved staff countless hours of preparation and delivery time. More importantly this decision aligns with the adopted Council goals of government efficiency and transparency. This action item reflects the need of the City to expand the functionality of staff's paperless agenda creation process, approval and publishing. Additionaly, meetings will continue to be live streamed with closed captioning to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. GRANICUS will affect organizational change through technology for the Clerk of Council by fostering more responsive and timely public records requests, publishing minutes, and updating the Code of Ordinances, among other things. Currently, producing these documents and outputs is a manual, paper-driven, in-person process in the City of Savannah. By replacing some of these longstanding, repeatable processes with technology, we will have the ability to produce better materials faster and become more of a strategic manager of these processes. A review of past practices reveals communication errors, paperwork bottlenecks, decentralized work centers throughout the organization, and processes that warrant a rush to meet required deadlines. Included in this recommended software package is:
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Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Glenn Hull, Strategic Initiatives Manager | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $30,163.64 from the General Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Agenda Software.pdf Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Agenda Software.pdf |
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