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December 21, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title Motion to Approve Contract Amendment No. 1 for Design Services for East Savannah Water Line Replacement to Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung (Event No. 5085) | |
Description Recommend approval of Contract Amendment No. 1 for design services for the East Savannah Waterline Replacement Project to Hussey, Gay, Bell, and DeYoung, Inc. in the amount of $8,350.00. The East Savannah Waterline Replacement Project, as originally proposed, included the tying in of new 6-inch-diameter water mains along Iowa, Auburn, Gable, Mosley, and Hanson Streets to an existing 6-inch-diameter water main along Minnesota Avenue and the Minnesota Avenue right of way. During the initial field survey of the area, it was determined that approximately 1,200 feet of waterline along the unopened portion of the Minnesota Avenue right of way was not present. Due to this discovered condition, two additional 6-inch-diameter waterlines, each approximately 300 feet long, will need to be designed and constructed to loop the waterlines between Iowa and Auburn streets and Gable and Mosley streets. Waterlines that are not looped require frequent flushing to prevent water quality degradation in the system. Additionally, looped waterlines provide greater flow and pressure for fire-fighting. The additional services requested in this amendment include field survey work, property research, subsurface utility database review, and preparing additional plan sheets to design two 300-foot 6-inch-diameter water mains necessary to loop the system. This contract was originally approved by Council on July 6, 2017 in the amount of $126,405.00. The total amount of this contract to date, including this amendment, is $134,755.00. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact John Sawyer, Public Works | |
Financial Impact $8,350.00 | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Water Line Purchasing Summary.pdf Water Line Funding Verification.pdf |
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