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December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
39. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract to Design, Manufacture, and Install a Prefabricated Restroom Building from Restroom Facilities Ltd. in an Amount Not to Exceed $264,927. This building will be installed at the Signature Playground which will be located at Daffin Park, at the corner of East Victory Drive and Waters Avenue. (Recreation and Leisure Services)
Strategic Priority
Neighborhood Revitalization

This is for a prefabricated restroom building from Restroom Facilities Ltd. in an Amount not to exceed $264,927. This building will be installed at the Signature Playground which will be located at Daffin Park, at the corner of East Victory Drive & Waters Avenue. The modular building will be constructed of concrete block, metal roof, 8" thick concrete slab foundation, and include high-quality fixtures such as adult changing tables, energy-efficient LED lighting inside and outside, energy efficient tankless on-demand water heater, steel doors with mag locks, motion sensors, and all internal electrical and plumbing. The building will also be guaranteed to be both ADA-compliant and building code-compliant.


Per section 2-4152 of the City’s Purchasing Ordinance, the City may purchase goods or services using a cooperative contract. The BuyBoard contract used for this procurement is Restroom Facilities Limited Contract# 679-22 for Parks and Recreation Equipment, Products, and Installation and it expires on September 30, 2025.


C.C. Restroom Facilities Ltd. (Marble Falls, TX)(D)   $264,927


A Pre-Proposal Meeting was not conducted as this is being procured through the use of the BuyBoard Cooperative Contract. (D)Indicates Non-Local, Non-DBE-Business.



Nick Roberts, Director, Recreation and Leisure Services
Financial Impact
Expenditure for $264,927 from Capital Improvement Projects Funds
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Prefabricated Restroom Installation.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Prefabricated Restroom Installation.pdf
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