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December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
45. Approval to Award Fountains ā€œNā€ Such, Inc., for the Fountain Electrical Room Refurbishment Project, in the Amount of $73,933.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Savannah Airport Commission advertised for Request of Quotations (RFQ 2024-0037) for the lifecycle replacement of several pumps and controllers in the fountain’s electrical room. The bid closing date was October 25th, and we received one (1) bid. In an effort to obtain additional bids, we extended the bid for another two weeks. However, at the conclusion of the extended period, we again received only one (1) bid.  The bid received met all required specifications for the project.  This project includes replacing several pumps and controllers vital to the fountain's operations, including equipment and installation. The project completion is approximately 18 to 24 weeks.  The following bid met the required specifications.


(B)Fountains “N” Such, Inc., Savannah, GA | $73,933


(B)Local, Non-Minority



Mr. Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management.
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $73,933 from Savannah Airport Commission Funds.
Review Comments

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