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December 09, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 17. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Armed Security Services with Sunstates Security, LLC in an amount of $1,523,837. Services will be used for ten facilities, to include: City Hall, Gamble Building, SMN/5515 Abercorn St., Ellis Square, Coastal GA Center, I&D Water Plant, President Street Plant, Forsyth Cafe, Floyd Adams Complex, and special requests by Risk Management. | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description Recommend approval to award an annual contract for armed security services for various locations to Sunstates Security, LLC in the amount of $1,523,837. Sunstates has provided security for City facilities since 2016. Throughout that time, they have proven their commitment to the City of Savannah by not only keeping us safe but often remaining flexible and covering very short notice details without an issue. Additionally, they have provided staffing at the requested City of Savannah temperature checkpoints throughout the pandemic. The City of Savannah facilities covered under this contract:
Nine proposals were originally received for this request. The proposals were reviewed and shortlisted to the top three, who then presented to the selection committee. The selection committee was comprised of staff from Risk Management, SPD, Public Works, and Parking Services. After the presentations were completed, the fee proposals were opened and the pricing was incorporated into the scoring. The request for proposals was advertised, opened and reviewed. The contract term expires on December 14, 2022. This contract also includes four (4) available annual renewal options. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days. The bidders were:
B.P. Sunstates Security, LLC (102 E. Lathrop, Savannah, GA 31415)(B) $1,523,836.81 Allied Universal Security Services (6555 Abercorn Street, Suite 121, Savannah, GA 31405)(B) $1,158,831.96 AP Security, Inc. (3025 Bull Street, Suite 259, Savannah, GA 31405)(B) $548,313.10*
A pre-proposal conference was not conducted. (B) indicates local, non-DBE-owned business. * Indicates a partial proposal, vendors price includes four of ten locations and did not send a response for all locations as requested by the Risk Management Department. Recommend approval.
Local available: Yes Total sent: 550 Total received: 9 Vendor federally debarred/suspended: No
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Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Bryan Hollis, Director of Risk Management | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $1,523,837 from the General Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Security Services Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Security Services |
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