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August 11, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 24. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract to Transition from a Primarily Manual Water Meter Reading Process to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System with Badger Meters, Inc in the amount of $5,268,358. (Water Distribution) | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description This is for an annual contract to transition from a primarily manual water meter reading process to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system with Badger Meters, Inc in the amount of $5,268,357.04 The current water meter system of approximately 79,156 meters is read almost exclusively manual, which is very labor intensive. AMI will be electronically read, this electronic reading allows for greater capabilities, including options such as water connection turn on/turn off, leak detections, and consumption statistics. The project will increase meter reading efficiency and accuracy, reduce staff labor time, and increase employee safety. There will be no direct charge to customers for this upgrade: customers will not notice any changes to their water service once the installation is complete. The benefits to customers include receiving timelier and more granular data available to better understand, monitor, and manage their water usage. Customers will have a portal allowing them to view their water and sewer usage on a web portal or mobile app. The City of Savannah Water Distribution System includes approximately 79,156 water meters serving the property owners of the City of Savannah Water and Sewer Service Area. These 79,156 water meters are made up of approximately 29,000 Badger Automated Meter Reading (AMR) units, 156 Badger AMI units, and 50,000 Direct Read Meters.
The City of Savannah standardized on Badger meter in 2005 when it began installation of the Badger Orion meter units in 2006. The 29,000 AMR Badger units will be expired once their service life has expired, after which City staff will replace these with AMI units. This contract is an annual contract for one year with three (3) one-year renewals and includes water meter purchase, water meter installation, water meter retrofits, water service lateral material inventory, bonding, lid replacement, computer file migration, communication with citizens, and other.
S.S. Badger Meter, Inc (Milwaukee, WI) (D) $5,268,357.04 (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business. Recommend approval | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Heath Lloyd, Assistant City Manager and Chief, Infrastructure & Development | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $5,268,358 from the Capital Improvement Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - AMI Meters.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - AMI Meters.pdf |
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