During the fiscal year, supplemental budget adjustments are necessary to maintain the adopted legal level of control set forth in the 2018 Budget Ordinance. These supplemental appropriations may modify expenditures and revenues within any fund. This adjustment also includes changes to the Capital Improvement Fund, which sometimes becomes necessary to account for varying costs realized through work completed towards the City's Capital Improvement Program, and align capital investments with strategic initiatives and council priorities.
This supplemental budget appropriation will:
- Authorize position changes for operational efficiency and, in some cases, to meet federal agency funding restrictions, resulting in the following changes in authorized full-time equivalents:
- General Fund +6
- Sanitation Fund +4
- W/S Fund -1
- Comm Dev Fund -9
- Recognize $2,100,000 in revenues related to Police demerger negotiations, and allocate those funds to:
- Retire debt service related to the purchase of 82 Police vehicles
- Allocate additional salary dollars to provide coverage for overruns related to delayed attrition rates within the department
- Provide for general operating adjustments between departments
- Recognize $3,200,000 in revenues transferred into the General Fund, related to the FY17 closeout, to provide supplemental operating allocations including:
- a one-time, 1% performance incentive for City employees
- an amendment of an agreement with the MPC to provide additional support for staffing considerations
- the retirement of debt service related to the acquisition of the Fairgrounds property
- additional funding necessary for IT/malware equipment recovery
- FY18 moving expenses related to the sale of the Gamble and Broughton municipal buildings
- a comp/pay/classification study related to the FY18 reorganization
- rental and replacement of a backhoe used by the Cemetery Division, Real Estate Services Department
- Allow for $4,300,000 in Capital Improvement Fund adjustments related to the FY17 closeout including:
- Providing funding for the Cultural Arts Center, eliminating the need to allocate property sale revenues in FY19
- Providing funding for the Montgomery Street Redirection Project included as a bond financed project in the FY18 Capital Improvement Plan, reducing future debt service
- Providing funding for the relocation of the Revenue Department, allowing for the sale of the Broughton Municipal Building
- Providing funding for facility repairs and improvements, in support of the City's Strategic Plan
- Move funds as necessary between projects within the Capital Improvement Fund in order to provide needed funding for continuing and ready-to-go Capital Improvement Projects
- Various other changes as shown in Exhibit A and Exhibit B.
The City of Savannah's FY18 Budget was approved by City Council on December 21, 2017. This is the first operating amendment and the third capital amendment proposed for FY18.