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September 26, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
23. Authorize City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Lease and Operating Agreement with Fans First Entertainment, LLC (FFE) to govern proposed renovations/improvements and associated use of funds at Grayson Stadium.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The City of Savannah and Fans First Entertainment, LLC (FFE) entered into a Lease and Operating Agreement (Lease) for Grayson Stadium (Stadium) in August 2020. The Lease extends through September 2030. FFE operates the Stadium to host Savannah Banana home games and other sporting and entertainment events. The Lease provided FFE with the opportunity to make renovations and capital improvements to the Stadium subject to the review and approval of the City. FFE has requested the opportunity to upgrade the field with new artificial turf, LED lighting, a new scoreboard, additional seating, and to make other improvements to the stadium. The City has up to $3,000,000 of SPLOST VII funds that could be combined with FFE funds to make these and other improvements to this City property. FFE will be responsible for all costs of field maintenance and repairs. An Amendment to the Lease has been prepared to govern these proposed Stadium improvements and the associated use of funds. 



David Keating, Senior Director of Real Estate Administration
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1 - Fans_First_-_Amendment_to_Lease_-_Approved_Draft_Jesse_Cole-signed.pdf
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