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October 25, 2018, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 12. Motion to Rezone 1 W Victory Dr, 2714 Montgomery St, and Other Properties to the Alternative TC-2 Zoning District to Allow for Development of College Facilities (Petitioner: Planning Commission) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description This is the second of three zoning items related to the Savannah College of Art and Design's proposed development of residence halls, a structured parking facility, and other uses on the site of 14 existing properties between Victory, Bull, 44th, and Montgomery streets. This agenda item rezones those 14 properties to the Mid-City's TC-2 (Traditional Commercial) Zoning District (File No. 18-005585-ZA). The Planning Commission voted to recommend this alternative zoning district at its meeting of October 9, 2018. MPC staff found that due to the scale of the project, a more feasible alternative to the originally proposed rezoning would be to include all the properties submitted for rezoning into the Mid-City District and propose amendments relevant to certain properties but not Mid-City at large. If the Planning Commission's alternative zoning district and text amendment are approved, the petitioner has indicated that the three original petitions will be withdrawn. For this agenda item, the subject properties that will be rezoned include: File No. 18-004740-ZA: 1 W Victory Dr (PIN: 2-0074-26-006), owned by Savannah College of Art and Design, from P-RIP-B* (Planned Residential - Medium Density - Site Plan Specific); File No. 18-004742-ZA: 203, 221, 227, 301, 303 West Victory Drive; 202, 208, 210, 212, 214 & 322 West 44th Street (PINs: 2-0074-27-004; -005; -007; --008; -009; - 010; -011; -012; -013; -014; -015; and -016), owned by William and Emma Simon; LGB North 44th Street, LLC, from R-B (Residential – Business), B-N (Neighborhood Business), I-L (Light Industrial), and BC (Community Business); File No. 18-005020-ZA: 2714 Montgomery Street (PIN: 2-0074-27-021), owned by Jay Jalaram, from B-C (Community Business) and B-N (Neighborhood - Business). | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design Director | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Mid-City District Southern Expansion 20181009 Planning Commission Recommendation.pdf Mid-City District Southern Expansion Draft Rezoning Ordinance.pdf SCAD Victory Drive Rendering.jpg SCAD Victory Drive Zoning Map.pdf |
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