MAY 9, 2024 11:00 a.m. -  WORKSHOP and CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING






The work session and City Manager’s briefing was held at 11:03 a.m., in the 2nd Floor Media Room of City Hall.  Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order and recognized Alderman Purtee to offer a prayer.



Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding

Alderwoman Carolyn H. Bell, At-Large, Post 1

Alderman Detric Leggett, District  2

Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2

Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1

Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 - Vice Chair

Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4 - Chairman

Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5 - Mayor Pro Tem

Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6


City Manager Joseph A. Melder

Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams

City Attorney Bates Lovett

Clerk of Council Mark Massey

Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox

Workshop Agenda Items
1. 100 Days of Summer
Exhibit 1: 100 Days of Summer.pdf

PRESENTED by City Manager Melder, Community Services Chief Taffanye Young, Fire Chief Elzie Kitchen, Assistant Chief of Police Devon Adams, Cultural Resources Senior Director Stuart Miller, Human Services Director Kerri Reid, Recreation & Leisure Services Director Nick Roberts, and Communications Director Nick Zoller

A chart was distributed to Council Members detailing all the programs and activities for the 100 Days of Summer 2024.  Residents can obtain information about the 100 Days of Summer 2024 on the City's website.

Following the presentation, there were discussions and/or questions from City Council Members.  Some of the topics discussed are listed below:

  • Youth employment working hours and rate of pay.    Residents can call 912-651-6520 for additional information on the Savannah Youth Council program.
  • Program costs are not free, the City invests/pays for residents.  Some programs have a fee, but are charged on a sliding scale.  Sponsorships from local businesses and agencies of the programs were also identified.
  • Timelines, dates, and addresses of events were discussed and defined.  Application deadlines for youth summer program employment and youth participation in programs was discussed.
  • The location and timeframe for the addition of splashpads was discussed, and a substance abuse program was recommended.
  • All summer camps will include breakfast and lunch, provided by Second Harvest, and the other five programs will provide Summer Lunch in the Park for participants between 6 to 18 years of age.   There was a request to include Mohawk Park in the Park programs.

City Manager Melder indicated there are three summer programs totaling 118 jobs for youth during the summer months with most positions paying above $15/hour.   There are still jobs available for ages 15 and above.  Residents or youth interested in applying for one of the summer jobs should go to the City's web page for more information.

Mayor Johnson thanked City Manager Melder and all the Presenters for the information supplied on the City's summer programs.

2. Closed Executive Session: Litigation, Personnel, and Real Estate

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adjourn the work session and enter into Executive Session, seconded by Ald. Leggett and Ald. Wilder-Bryan.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

The Executive Session was held at 12:05 p.m. in the City Manager's conference room on the 4th floor.

Mayor Johnson and Ald. Purtee moved to close the Executive Session, seconded by Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

The Executive Session closed at 12:55 p.m.


3. City Manager's Agenda Review

There was no Agenda Review.

There was no action taken during the Workshop and Executive Session.

Mayor Johnson adjourned the pre-meetings at 12:55 p.m.


The video recording of the Workshop can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:



Mark Massey, Clerk of Council


Date Minutes Approved:     May 23, 2024 


Signature:   MM 

Agenda Plus