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May 23, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
32. Approval for the Lifecycle Replacement of One Bucket Truck from One Nation Distribution, LLC., in the Amount of $149,890.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

Staff issued a Request for Quotations (RFQ 2024-0016) for the procurement of a replacement bucket truck. The bucket truck will be used for building maintenance and has an extended height of 60-feet. This purchase is intended to replace a 2006 bucket truck (VEQ #730) as a lifecycle replacement. Two (2) bids were received on April 10, 2024, with one bid not meeting the specifications. This was a 2024 budget item in the amount of $190,000. The following bid met the required specifications.


The vendor is:

(D)One Nation Distribution, LLC, New Wilmington, PA         $149,890


(D)Non-Local, Non-DBE Owned Business



Dawoud Stevenson, Director of Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $149,890 from the Savannah Airport Commission Fund
Review Comments

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