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May 23, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
30. Approval to Renew the Public Address System Platinum Assurance Plan Agreement and Upgrades for Two Years with ALTEL Systems Group, Inc., in the Amount of $117,470.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This agreement includes a two-year IED Support Services Assurance Plan and Dante Controller upgrade for the public address system (PA). It extends the plan for an additional two years and adds a Cobranet to Dante upgrade to the existing head-end Controllers. The new controllers will communicate with any new future Dante hardware to be added and the existing Cobranet hardware currently in operation via a new Digital Audio Bridge. The cost of the new controller upgrade is spread across the two-year plan (Year 1 - $70,935 and Year 2 - $46,535). Cobranet as a protocol will be phased out over time. Converting the head end to Dante in this plan will allow all new PA equipment associated with the airport’s expansion projects to be purchased as Dante and avoid the required future Cobranet to Dante upgrades on that equipment. It will also allow a phased out transition of all other existing Cobranet equipment at the airport. Altel Systems Group is the Airport's designated support and supplier dealer for the Atlas-IED.



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $117,470 from the Savannah Airport Commission Fund
Review Comments

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