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May 23, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
34. Approval to Execute a Contract with Johnson-Laux Construction, LLC., for the Temporary Ground Boarding Walkways Project, in the Amount of $1,412,910.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This project will construct six temporary gates for ground boarding pertaining to the Temporary Ground Boarding Walkways Project. During the construction of the Terminal Concourse Expansion, temporary walkways will be utilized to assist passengers with ground boarding and unloading. The temporary walkways will be covered and located outside the construction fence area to minimize disruption to operations.


The following bids were received:

(B)Johnson Laux Construction, LLC., Savannah, GA              $1,412,910

(E)Collins Construction Services, Savannah, GA                   $1,554,592


(B)Local, Non-Minority, (E)Local, Woman-Owned



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $1,412,910 from the Savannah Airport Commission Fund
Review Comments

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