On May 2, 2020, the City-owned building located at 1700 Drayton Street sustained a fire that requires the building be demolished. The property at 1700 Drayton Street, located on a 0.42 acre parcel was formerly operated as the City’s Code Compliance facility, and a nearby 0.30 acre property, 104 E 34th St, was used as additional parking for staff.
The property is a prime redevelopment opportunity located within the vibrant Thomas Square neighborhood/Starland District area. The 2019 assessed land values as established by the Chatham County Boards Assessors for 1700 Drayton Street and 104 E 34th Street are $245,500.00 and $175,500, respectively. Therefore, the total reported market value is $421,000.
Staff requests this property and its former parking lot at 104 E 34th Street, be declared surplus and available for sale. If declared surplus and available for sale, staff will prepare and issue a request for proposals (RFP) soliciting a buyer for the property. Proposals will be evaluated by an interdisciplinary committee of staff, and a recommendation of the highest responsible bidder will be made to City Council for award. Staff will procure a current appraisal of the market value of the property to assist in evaluating proposals received.