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March 29, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 7. Zoning Hearing to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding the TC-2 Zoning District and the MLK/Montgomery URA (Petitioner: Harold and Josh Yellin for River East Management, LLC) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description River East Management, LLC, Petitioner, represented by Harold Yellin/Joshua Yellin (HunterMaclean) requests to amend the Mid-City TC-2 (Traditional Commercial-Corridor) zoning district to do the following within the Martin Luther King/Montgomery Urban Redevelopment Area (URA): 1) Eliminate the maximum ground floor area (building footprint) requirement of 10,000 square feet; and, 2) Eliminate the minimum rear yard setback requirement of 10 feet. An update to the Mid-City District boundary description is also included and is necessary if the property is rezoned as described below. In addition to the proposed text amendment, the petitioner also seeks a related rezoning of six parcels to the TC-2 district. The rezoning petition is scheduled for the same City Council meeting as this text amendment (See File No. 18-000496-ZA). On February 20, 2018, the Planning Commission voted to recommend denial of the text amendment. | |
Recommendation The Planning Commission recommends denial. | |
Contact Bridget Lidy, Director of Planning and Urban Design | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Planning Commission Recommendation 18-000495-ZA (2).pdf MLK-Montgomery-Corridor-Urban-Redevelopment-Plan.pdf |
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