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March 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting
34. Approval to Purchase Four Portable Message Boards from K&K Systems Inc., in the Amount of $60,000.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Savannah Airport Commission (SAC) issued RFQ 2025-0012 for the procurement of two (2) Portable Message Boards with an option to purchase an additional message board. Following negotiations with K&K Systems, Inc., an agreement was reached to purchase an additional two (2) portable message boards, not to exceed a total cost of $60,000 for four (4) message boards. These boards will be utilized by the Grounds department for safety signage along roadways and by other departments for traffic or special event signage. This is a lifecycle replacement for two traffic message boards acquired in 1998 and 2011.  The due date for the bids was February 24, 2025, and a total of seven (7) bids were received.


(D)K&K Systems, Inc., Tupels, MS | $30,616

(D)ProLogic ITS., LLC., Acworth, GA | $38,777.78

(D)Safety Zone Holdings, INC., dba Safety Zone Specialists, Lakeland, FL | $40,238.40

(D)Applied Concepts, Inc, dba Stalker Radar, Richardson, TX | $40,830

(D)Aramsco, Inc., Radnor, PA | $40,837.28

(D)Lady Liberty Equipment, Grove City, PA | $42,145  

(D)Hog Technologies dba Waterblasing, LLC., Stuart, FL | $43,380


(D)Non-Local, Non-DBE Owned Business



Mr. Dawoud Stevenson, Sr. Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $60,000 from Savannah Airport Commission Funds
Review Comments

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