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March 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 14. Petition of Warner Moore, Agent, on Behalf of Wjmoore Properties, LLC, and Joakima Davis-Moore, Jwmoore Properties, LLC, to Amend the Zoning Map from TR-2 (Traditional Residential-2) to Traditional Commercial-1 (TC-1) with Conditions for ~0.21 acres at 1421 W. Gwinnett Street and 1425 W. Gwinnett Street (PINs 20050 16021 and 20050 16022) in Aldermanic District 1 (File No. 24-001759-ZA). | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description The Petitioner requests an amendment of the Zoning Map from TR-2 (Traditional Residential-2) to TC-1 (Traditional Commercial-1) to convert an existing duplex into a neighborhood-scale, multi-tenant commercial structure. The two-story structure currently hosts an over-under duplex with a 1,400 square foot, 3-bedroom dwelling on the ground floor and a 1,400 square foot, 2-bedroom dwelling on the second floor. The proposal would see the conversion of the structure for nonresidential uses to include: office; personal services; and a potential food-oriented retail establishment on the ground floor. A contractor’s office would occupy the second floor.
The rezoning request was filed concurrently with a request to amend the Future Land Use Map to reflect Traditional Commercial use on the subject parcels (24-001813-ZA-FLUM). At the time of the request, the parcel was designated for Urban Transitional Character Area with a future land use of Residential Single-family.
Please note, on December 19, 2024, City Council authorized the City Manager to approve the sale of the surplus lot located at 1425 West Gwinnett Street to JW Moore Properties, LLC in the amount of $21,101. The property was declared surplus and available for sale during the City Council meeting on August 8, 2024. | |
Recommendation On January 7, 2025, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request to rezone 1421 W. Gwinnett Street and 1425 W. Gwinnett Street (PINs 20050 16021 and 20050 16022) to TC-1 (Traditional Commercial-1) under the following conditions:
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Contact Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design | |
Financial Impact NA | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for 1421 and 1425 W Gwinnett Rezoning (File No. 24-001759-ZA).pdf Exhibit 2: Maps for W. Gwinnett Street (File No. 24-001759-ZA).pdf Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance for 1421 and 1425 W Gwinnett St (File No. 24-001759-ZA).pdf |
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