June 8, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title Motion to Procure Additional Software Modules from Geographic Solutions (Event No. 5243) | |
Description Recommend approval to procure additional software modules from Geographic Solutions in the amount of $26,325.00. This is a sole source procurement because Geographic Solutions is the provider for WorkSource Coastal’s job-seeking software. The additional modules are only available from this vendor and will provide streamlined interactions with customers, tracking of workshops attendance, and the ability of employers to post jobs, recruit, and track job applicants for open positions. WorkSource Coastal desires to strengthen its relationship with jobseekers and business customers by adding the following modules to its existing web based Virtual One-Stop System: Customer Relationship Management, VOScan Automated Service Tracking, and Employer Services. The Customer Relationship Management module will be utilized by WorkSource Coastal’s Sub-Regional Business Representatives to streamline and manage interactions with business customers. The module will allow them to organize, automate and synchronize employer outreach and coordinate customer service and recruitment support. The VOScan Automated Service Tracking module will allow WorkSource Coastal to track the number of customers visiting and attending workshops and events at the Job Centers throughout the 10-county region. The Employer Services module will allow employers to post jobs, recruit, and track job applicants for open positions. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Michael Tucker, WorkSource Coastal Director | |
Financial Impact $26,325.00 | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Geographic Modules Funding Verification.pdf Purchasing Summary.pdf |
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