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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
49. Approval to Execute a Contract with EE Reed Construction, for the Air Cargo Facility Project, in the Amount of $51,210,932.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This project will construct two new air cargo buildings: one for a single-use facility and the other for a multi-tenant facility.  The scope of work includes the two buildings along with all associated site work, security, and utilities. The single-use facility will cover approximately 67,000 square feet, while the multi-tenant facility will encompass about 60,000 square feet.


The following bids were received:

(B)EE Reed Construction, Savannah, GA            $51,210,932

(B)CPPI of GA, Savannah, GA                            $53,279,127

(B)Johnson-Laux Construction, Savannah, GA    $56,348,247

(B)Samet Corporation, Savannah, GA                  $69,633,489

(D)Bravo Fence, LLC                                            Non-Responsive Bid


(B) Local, Non-Minority, (D) Non-Local, Non-Minority



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $51,210,932 from the Savannah Airport Commission Funds
Review Comments

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