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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
45. Approval of a Five-Year Planned Service Agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc., in the Amount of $638,150.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

Axon Enterprise, Inc. will provide 10 In-Car Cameras, 31 Body Worn Cameras, and 31 Tasers with holsters for the Airport’s Police Department. All equipment will include subscription services to ensure assistance and support for officers handling traffic and criminal cases, citizen complaints, liabilities of officers from collisions, excessive force claims, and several other high-liability situations. This is a five-year agreement that includes a five-year warranty for all equipment. This is a purchase through the use of the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract.


Year          Total Annual Amount     Payment Frequency

Year 1                   $127,630                     Annually

Year 2                   $127,630                     Annually

Year 3                   $127,630                     Annually

Year 4                   $127,630                     Annually

Year 5                   $127,630                     Annually



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $638,150 from the Savannah Airport Commission Funds
Review Comments

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