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July 27, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting | ||||||||||||||||||||
Title 43. Approval to Renew the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Sub-Recipient Awards with Ross I.E.S. and Eckerd Connects-Paxen in the Amount of $893,223 for Career, Case Management, and Training Services for Adults (Ages 18 and Older) and Dislocated Workers (Unemployed or Laid Off) in Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, and Screven counties. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Strategic Priority Economic Strength And Poverty Reduction | ||||||||||||||||||||
Description The Coastal Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is recommending approval to renew the PY2021 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult/Dislocated Worker Provider sub-awards for services to be delivered during PY2023. The CWDB approved awarding Adult and Dislocated Worker Program sub-awards to Ross Innovative Employment Solutions (Ross I.E.S.) in the amount of $645,455 and Eckerd Connects-Paxen in the amount of $231,018. Service providers will deliver year-round case management, career, training, and support services to adults who are unemployed or underemployed, and to adults who are dislocated workers who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or through no fault of their own.These sub-awards will cover the period June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024.
These funds will be used to support the Coastal Region's "One Stop" Delivery System as it pertains to job training, preparation and placement services throughout Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh and Screven Counties.
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Recommendation Approval | ||||||||||||||||||||
Contact Sheron Morgan, Interim Director. WorkSource Coastal | ||||||||||||||||||||
Financial Impact Expenditure of $893,223 from Grant Funds | ||||||||||||||||||||
Review Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||
Attachments Exhibit 1: PY2023 CWDB Adult and DW Service Providers Contract Renewal - Ross I.E.S. and Eckerd.pdf |
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