July 2, 2019 City Council Workshop

Savannah City Government



July 2, 2019 – 1:00 p.m.

The work session of the City Council was held at 1:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Media Room of City Hall.

PRESENT:      Mayor Eddie W. DeLoach, Presiding

Mayor Pro-Tem Carolyn H. Bell

Alderman Julian Miller, Chairman of Council

 Alderman Brian Foster, Vice-Chairman of Council

 Alderman Van R. Johnson, II, District 1

Alderman Bill Durrence, District  2

Alderman John Hall, District 3

Alderwoman Dr. Estella E. Shabazz, District 5

Alderman Tony Thomas, District 6



Acting City Manager Patrick C. Monahan

Assistant to the City Manager Bret Bell

City Attorney Bates Lovett

Deputy City Attorney Jen Herman

Assistant City Attorney William Shearouse

Clerk of Council Mark Massey

Mayor DeLoach called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and entertained questions regarding the Regular Meeting Agenda.

Workshop Agenda Items
1. Real Estate, Personnel, Litigation

There was no action taken in the executive session.

2. Review of Agenda

Acting City Manager Pat Monahan responded to the following inquiries:

  • Item #32 - New Hampstead Park - 2 donations: 1.) approximately 860 acres, held in conservation easement by a Land Trust (with maybe a picnic pavilion, walking trail, etc.); and 2.) approximately 48-50 acres for an active park for future development (when the population increases in the area). The estimated cost of continued maintenance for the conservation easement will probably decrease and the City taxes next year should not exceed more than $10,000.00.  Council inquired as to tax credits for the property.  Mr. Monahan indicated he would pursue the benefits.
  • Item #5 -  Alderman Durrence asked when is the completion date.  Mr. Monahan quoted an August  2019 Grand Opening event.
  • Item #6 - Alderman Durrence - the fencing along Bilbo Canal seems urgent.  Mr. Monahan detailed there will be decorative fencing along the western edge of the Canal (drawings included in the meeting packet).
  • Item #8 - Alderman Durrence - questioned what kind of repairs.  Acting City Manager detailed the repairs from Hurricane Matthews, mostly water damages.
  • Alderwoman Shabazz - request to discuss Items #18 and 22 during the meeting.
  • Item #27 - Mr. Monahan - added this item is related to Item #8 for removal of storm debris.
  • Item #22 -  Alderman Durrence - convenience store language - alcohol sales is ancillary.
  • Item #30 - Alderman Miller - are the annual contract for patrol rifles leased or purchased?  Mr. Monahan confirmed they will be purchased.
  • Alderman Durrence - addressed Mayor and Council about the requirement of needing a quorum for the special Called Meeting at 5:30 p.m. for use of eminent domain issues with the courts and unclear titles, timing of the use of eminent domain, and residential properties versus business establishments.
  • Alderman Johnson - expressed concern with the use of eminent domain and residents perception of the process.  There followed dialogue with the Acting City Manager and the Aldermen.
  • Alderwoman Shabazz - with respect to 2 of the houses, this will be discussed in executive session.
  • Mayor DeLoach - the City must do what's right for the community and residents.  We, the City will do what's fair for the people of Savannah, sometimes it hurts but it's for the betterment of the whole City.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bell moved to close the work session for an executive session regarding real estate and litigation, Alderman Miller seconded.  The motion carried unanimously.

Alderman Johnson moved to close the executive session, Alderwoman Shabazz seconded.  Hearing no objections, the executive session was closed.

The Mayor adjourned the work session at 1:51 p.m.        

Mark Massey, Clerk of Council

Date Minutes Approved:  ___________

Initials: ______

Agenda Plus