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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
19. Show Cause Hearing for Revocation of the Alcohol License for Dharrnisthaben Patel of the Marathon Gas Station at 1816 Montgomery Street (Aldermanic District 2)
Strategic Priority
Public Safety

City files reflect that you possess a license to sell alcoholic beverages at Marathon Gas Station located at 18 I 6 Montgomery Street. At the request of the Savannah Police Department, the Mayor and Aldermen directed this office to provide you with official notice that a hearing to show cause why your alcoholic beverage license should not be revoked will occur on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall.

There has been extensive criminal activity on or near your business located at 1816 Montgomery Street over a thirteen ( 13) month period. Since January 22, 2018 through February 13, 2019, there have been multiple controlled substance buys conducted on the premises resulting in arrest warrants being issued. Individuals were arrested for selling drugs on the premises of your establishment and/or near the property. Additionally, upon the authority of a search warrant of the premises the following items were seized, drug paraphernalia, drug packaging materials (baggies) with residue, and digital scale.

The foregoing events constitute serious violations of the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance of 2017, including Section 6-1206(d)(4)(b), a public safety plan shall include specific measures and procedures to address crowd management, both within and outside the premises and Section 6-1209(k), it shall be the responsibility of a licensee to assist persons in entering and leaving the establishment in an orderly manner. In the event any person is disorderly or otherwise is engaged in illegal conduct, personnel shall contact law enforcement. Accordingly, the City considers your establishment a public nuisance and intends to take appropriate action to the extent authorized by the City Code. See City Code Sections 6-l 207(b )(l) and (9).  Therefore, at the June 20, 2019 City Council meeting you will be required to show cause why your alcoholic beverage license should not be revoked. You may be represented by counsel at the hearing, and you and/or your attorney will have an opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses and to examine any evidence presented.



Bates Lovett, City Attorney
Financial Impact
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