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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
54. Motion to Approve the Purchase of Right-of-Way and Remainder Parcel at 1141 West Gwinnett Street (PIN: 2-0046-04-018).
Strategic Priority

Requesting approval for acquisition of the real property located at 1141 West Gwinnett Street (PIN 20046 04018). This property is owned by R. Jackson Brothers, Inc. Mr. Roy Jackson is the contact. The property is located at the southeast corner of Gwinnett Street and Stiles Avenue. The City needs to acquire 2,615 square feet of right-of-way and 732 square feet of easements to facilitate widening of Gwinnett Street in support of the new arena and the Canal District. The appraised value of these needed road widening areas is reported at approximately $38,000.  On July 2, 2019 staff submitted a Brownfield application to the Georgia Eniviornmental Protection Division.  This application included the corrective action plans for this and other affected parcels in the Gwinnett Street project.

The City is also seeking to acquire the remainder parcel of 1.54 acres. This remainder parcel adjoins land already owned by the City and is being acquired to assemble additional lands for future development of civic uses. The appraised value of the remainder parcel is reported at approximately $697,000.

In summary, the appraised value of the right-of-way needed for the Gwinnett Street project and the appraised value of the remainder parcel totals $735,000. After discussions between the parties, a price of $800,000 has been negotiated. The City will close quickly on the right-of-way parcels and close on the remainder parcel in an estimated six months to allow time for Mr. Jackson to vacate the property.

Further request approval for the City Manager to execute all associated closing documents.



David Keating, Director of Real Estate Services.
Financial Impact
Total of $800,000. Of that total, $38,000 will be funded from the West Gwinnett Street Widening Fund, Account 311.9207.52842.TE0709. The balance will be funded from recent property sale revenues.
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