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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
26. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Alcohol Density Overlay Districts (Petitioner: Mayor and Aldermen)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

Mayor and Aldermen requested staff address issues associated with the sale and consumption of alcohol in our community. As part of this process, staff analyzed data, explored best practices, conducted a community survey with more than 1,000 respondents, and convened six public meetings (two on February 28, two on April 18, June 19 and June 26) and met individually with stakeholders to amend Article O (Alcohol Density Overlay District) of the Zoning Ordinance. Proposed revisions include adding a new Alcohol Density Overlay District in 5th District to include portions of Liberty City, Tremont Park and Southover neighborhoods (AD-4). Expansions are also proposed for the existing Montgomery Street Overlay District (AD-2) and Ogeechee Road Overlay District (AD-3) (File No. 19-003628-ZA).

This is the first of two related agenda items. The second is to officially designate these revisions on the Zoning Map (File No. 19-003629-ZA).  A zoning hearing was held for this item on July 2, 2019.



Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design
Financial Impact
Review Comments
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