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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
16. Motion to Approve the Naming of Edgemere Sackville Neighborhood Park
Strategic Priority
Neighborhood Revitalization

The Edgemere Sackville Neighborhood Park was developed in conjunction with the Savannah Shines program. Savannah Shines is a City of Savannah neighborhood improvement initiative that brings together and focuses public, private, and neighborhood resources to improve a neighborhood over an 18- to 24-month period. In 2017, Edgemere-Sackville was the first neighborhood selected for the Savannah Shines Program. As part of the Savannah Shines initiative the City, neighborhood association, residents, property owners and other parties work together to improve private property, public property, public safety, and public engagement.

Edgemere Sackville Neighborhood Park is located east of Cedar Street, with East 58th Street to the north and Delesseps Avenue to the south. The park includes a walking trail, playground equipment, fencing, benches, bollards, waste receptacles, and chess tables. The park is well shaded and a beautiful asset to the neighborhood. 

The City of Savannah owned the southern section of the park property and purchased the three adjacent privately owned vacant lots for a total of $64,628. The total project cost including property acquisition was $266,007. This project was funded though SPLOST and the City's Capital Improvement Program.

The Edgemere Sackville Neighborhood Park naming petition has been unanimously approved by the Metropolitan Planning Commissions' Historic Sites and Monuments Commission, Park and Tree Commission, and Edgemere Sackville Neighborhood Association.

This petition has met all the requirements of the City's naming ordinance (Section 4-1102).



Joe Shearouse Jr., Municipal Operations
Financial Impact
Review Comments
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