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July 14, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting
41. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Small Meter Calibration and Test Bench Software Subscription with Mars Company not to Exceed $56,078. The contract is for software subscription for calibration accuracy of the City's water meters. (Water Distribution)
Strategic Priority

This contract is to procure a small water meter calibration software subscription from Mars Company not to exceed $56,078. This purchase is for an annual software service fee for the M3 Software subscription and the calibration and certification for Water Distribution’s water meters. This agreement helps ensure individual meters are reading accurate water amounts being delivered to the customer. Water meters are what determine the amount of water and sewer revenue to be collected by the City of Savannah.


The vendor is:

Mars Company (3925 SW 13th St Ocala, FL) (D)         $56,078

(D) Indicates a non-local, non-DBE owned business



Heath Lloyd, Assistant City Manager & Chief, Infrastructure and Development
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $56,078 from Water and Sewer Fund.
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Water Meter Calibration Software Subscription.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Water Meter Calibration Software Subscription.pdf
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