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January 3, 2019, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 15. Motion to Rezone 1932 E Montgomery Crossroad from P-RM-25 to B-N (Petitioner: Harold Yellin for Geyer Morris Company) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description Harold Yellin for Geyer Morris Company, Petitioner (File No. 18-006339-ZA) is requesting to rezone property at 1932 East Montgomery Crossroad, from a P-RM-25 (Planned Multifamily Residential – 25 units per acre) zoning classification to a BN (Neighborhood Business) zoning classification. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of East Montgomery Crossroad and Varnedoe Drive. It is zoned for and developed as multifamily residential. There are four two-story residential buildings on site with eight units in each building. The Chatham County-Savannah Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map provides a designation of "Residential-General." Considering the development pattern in the vicinity of the subject properties, neighborhood commercial uses are appropriate in this area. The extension of the Truman Parkway and the widening of Montgomery Crossroad has intensified vehicular traffic between Skidaway Road and Abercorn Street significantly. These changes have also led to redevelopment and rezoning in the immediate vicinity to include shopping centers, restaurants and offices. This is, however, a transitioning neighborhood, and consideration should be given to how new development integrates with the surrounding area. Based on these findings, on December, 11, 2018, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the request to rezone the subject property with the condition that any General Development Plan submitted for the subject property be approved by the Planning Commission. As a result, if the Mayor and Aldermen agree with the Planning Commission's recommendation, the Future Land Use Map designation for the subject properties should be changed to "Commercial - Neighborhood" (File No. 18-006933-CPA). The Chatham County - Savannah Comprehensive Plan provides the following definitions for the Future Land Use Categories: Residential – General: Areas with a wide range of residential uses including multi-family dwellings, attached dwellings, small lot single-family dwellings at densities greater than 10 units per gross acre. Commercial - Neighborhood: Nodal and strip business areas that are within predominately residential areas and are developed at a scale and intensity compatible with adjacent residential uses. | |
Recommendation Approval of the request to rezone the subject property with the condition that any General Development Plan submitted for the subject property be approved by the Planning Commission. Approval of the change in the Future Land Use Map designation for the subject properties from "Residential - General" to "Commercial - Neighborhood" . | |
Contact Bridget Lidy, Planning & Urban Design | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments 1932 E Montgomery X Rd 20181211 Planning Commission Recommendation.pdf Draft Ordinance RE Future Land Use Category.pdf Draft Ordinance RE Rezoning.pdf |
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