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January 18, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 21. Motion to Rezone 207 and 210 West Magnolia Avenue from PUD-IS-B to B-C (Petitioner: Harold Yellin for JJL, Inc.) | |
Description The Mayor and Aldermen approved this rezoning request following a zoning hearing at the January 4, 2018 City Council Meeting. The action being considered now is the approval of an ordinance to rezone 207 and 210 West Magnolia Avenue from PUD-IS-B to B-C. This is the third of three agenda items related to this rezoning petition (File No. 17-006664-ZA) as the petition involves multiple properties and districts. The rezoning petition includes five properties located on the west side of Abercorn Street and both sides of West Magnolia Avenue for a distance of approximately 675 feet west of Abercorn Street. The addresses of the subject properties are 10421 and 10501 Abercorn Street; 0, 207, and 210 West Magnolia Avenue. The properties are requested to be rezoned from their current PUD-B-C, (Planned Unit Development – Community Business) PUD-IS-B (Planned Unit Development – Institutional), P-I-P (Planned Institutional Professional) to a B-C (Community Business) classification. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Tri-Centennial Comprehensive Plan Future Development Map. The petitioner/owner is desirous of redeveloping the existing new car dealership to include an expanded lot for car inventory and a storm water detention pond. A concept plan is attached, which also includes the following three properties, which are not part of the rezoning petition: 10419 Abercorn Street, 215 and 223 West Magnolia Avenue. On December 12, 2017, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the petition to rezone the subject properties to a B-C zoning classification. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Shane Corbin, Zoning Administrator | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments 10421-and-10501-abercorn-st-207210-215-magnolia-ave-rezoning-draft-ordinance-17-006664-za.pdf 10421-and-10501-abercorn-st-207210-215-magnolia-ave-rezoning-20171212-planning-commission-recommendation-17-006664-za.pdf 207 and 21 0 W Magnolia Ave Proposed Rezoning Map 17-006664-ZA.pdf |
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