The work session and City Manager’s briefing was held at 12:32 p.m. Mayor Johnson recognized Alderman Detric Leggett to offer an invocation.
PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1, Chairman Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6 ALSO, PRESENT: City Manager Joseph A. Melder Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox |
Workshop Agenda Items | |
1. Animal Control Ordinance | |
ADDED: 1. Update on Inclustionary Zoning. City Manager Melder gave a brief update on the Inclusionary Zoning Resolution. The Resolution is included in today's Regular Meeting Agenda for Council's consideration. Mr. Melder will direct staff to prepare a Workshop in January 2022 for Council to discuss Community Benefits and Inclusionary Zoning.
2. Animal Control Ordinance. City Attorney Lovett explained and discussed in detail the Chatham County Animal Ordinance as it relates to the City's obligations. He suggested a tiered system to the County's ordinance and/or Council's consideration of the City having it's own Animal Ordinance. Following the presentation, Council discussed and asked questions concerning the City's relationship with Chatham County's Animal Ordinance. Some topics discussed are listed below:
Council and Attorney Lovett further discussed the Chatham County Animal Control Ordinance versus the City of Savannah Animal Control Ordinance and how residents could be provided dependable and timely responses. Suggestions of using code compliance officers; a more fair ethical treatment of animals; partnering with the humane society; establishing an advisory board or group; and the cost of the City establishing it's own animal control department. City Attorney Lovett asked Alderwoman Gibson-Carter to forward Ms. Willianson's email to him. Mayor Johnson requested a written report of today's discussion with the next steps for Council's consideration from Attorney Lovett to be distributed to Council Members. |
2. Staggered Terms and Term Limits for City Council Members | |
Following Attorney Lovett's review and discussion of a PowerPoint presentation, there was dialogue with City Manager Melder, Council Members and Attorney Lovett. Some matters listed below were debated/discussed:
Other discussion items included research of hub cities on staggered terms; consolidated governments; best practices; staggered terms as it relates to continuity; term limits as a protection for the community which ensures fairness and equity; and maintaining a democracy. Mayor Johnson requested Attorney Lovett to further investigate other similar cities with regard to staggered terms and term limits within the State of Georgia and outside of Georgia and give Council a report on findings. |
Mayor Johnson adjourned the Workshop at 1:44 p.m.
A video recording of the workshop can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council Date Minutes Approved: January 13, 2022
Signature: mm |
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