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August 10, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Professional Services to Assist in the Revenue Solution Selection with InfoTech Research Group in an Amount Not to Exceed $146,000. The Innovation and Technology Department (IT) will use the consultant for RFP development, facilitating proposal scoring and vendor demonstrations with the goal of selecting the best fit solution for the City. (IT) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description This is for professional services for the City of Savannah Revenue Solution Selection replacement project from InfoTech Research Group in an amount not to exceed $146,000. The Innovation and Technology Department will use the consultant for the Request For Proposal development, facilitating proposal scoring and vendor demonstrations with the goal of selecting the best fit solution for the City.
This procurement was made through was made through a cooperative purchasing agreement with GSA cooperative. Cooperative purchasing is authorized as an appropriate procurement method in Division 10 Section 4-4152 of the City of Savannah’s purchasing ordinance.
The contract was competitively bid and awarded by GSA. The contract used for this procurement is a GSA contract (# GS-35F-298GA). A master agreement with InfoTech Research Inc. was signed for a 4-year term with four renewal options on March 15. The contract expires on March 16, 2027. ​Delivery: As requested. Terms: Net 30 days. The vendor is:
C.C. InfoTech Research Group (Las Vegas, NV) (D) $146,000
A pre-proposal meeting was not conducted as this service is being procured through the use of a GSA cooperative contract (D) Indicates Non-Local, Non-DBE Business.
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Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Tim Moody, Director, Information Technology | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $146,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Revenue Solution Selection.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Revenue Solution Selection.pdf |
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