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April 28, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 22. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Double 8x5' Concrete Boxes (Culverts) for the Placentia Canal Drainage Improvements from Griffin Contracting, Inc. in the Amount of $1,528,130. This contract will upgrade the existing double 3x5' box culverts under Semken and Laroche Avenues. (Stormwater Management Division) | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description This procurement is for the purchase of double 8x5' (concrete) box culverts for the Placentia Canal Drainage Improvements project from Griffin Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $1,528,130. The Stormwater Department will use these to upgrade the existing double 3x5’ box culverts under Semken and Laroche Avenues with double 8x5' box culverts, substantially improving drainage of the Placentia Canal.
The Semken Avenue replacement will require rerouting of the existing water system and storm drain laterals (the pipe that connects a home's or business's downspouts, foundation drains (footing tile), sump pump discharge, and/or yard area drains to the City's storm sewer system). The sanitary systems will not be impacted. There is no utility work for the Laroche Avenue replacement. The project will include the demolition and replacement of sidewalks and guardrails. The project will be performed in two phases with Semken Avenue being phase 1 and Laroche Avenue phase 2. Phase 1 (Semken) must be substantially complete and opened to traffic before closing traffic for phase 2 (Laroche).
The bidders were: L.B. Griffin Contracting (Pooler, GA)(D) $1,582,130 Sandhill A.L.S., Construction Inc. (Port Wentworth, GA)(C) $1,880,780 (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business.
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Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Heath Lloyd, Assistant City Manager & Chief, Infrastructure and Development | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $1,582,130 from the Capital Improvement fund/SPLOST VI | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Placentia Canal Drainage Improvements Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Placentia Canal Drainage Improvements |
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