February 8, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Smartsheet Enterprise Software Licenses from Carahsoft Technology in the Amount of $196,820. The Innovation and Technology Services Department will use the software throughout the City as a project management center that allows city staff to assign tasks, track the progress of projects and tasks, manage calendars, and share and edit documents. (ITS)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This contract is for the procurement of Smartsheet Enterprise Software Licenses from Carahsoft Technology in the amount of $196,820. Smartsheet is a project management tool that combines all Microsoft programs into one platform. It is the digital version of an accounting book, whiteboard, calendar, notes, files, emails, phone messages, and invoices. The Smartsheet application allows for these office products to be combined electronically and function in a digital platform. The Innovation and Technology Services Department will use the software throughout the City as a project management center that allows city staff to assign tasks, track the progress of projects and tasks, manage calendars, and share and edit documents. Smartsheet will improve efficiencies and allow for city resources to be delegated and measured across departments. 


These licenses will be procured through a cooperative purchasing agreement (GSA 47QSWA18D008F). Cooperative purchasing is authorized as an appropriate procurement method in Division 10 Section 4-4152 of the City of Savannah’s purchasing ordinance. The contract was competitively bid by GSA and expires on August 21, 2028. Delivery: As requested. Terms: Net 30 days.


The vendor is:

C.C. Carahsoft (Reston, VA)(D) $196,820

A pre-proposal meeting was not conducted as these services are being procured through the use of a cooperative purchasing agreement. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE owned business. 

Local available: No
Total sent: 1
Total received: 1



Tim Moody, Senior Director, Innovation and Technology Services Department
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $196,820 from the Internal Service Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Smartsheet Contract Renewal.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Smartsheet Contract Renewal.pdf
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