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September 14, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting
6. Recognition of National Tradesmen Day and Appearance by City of Savannah Skilled Tradespeople. The City of Savannah takes great pride in its association with some of the most skilled tradespeople in the region, spanning various fields such as water and conveyance, stormwater management, building maintenance, fleet services, water treatment and supply, water reclamation, and countless others.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

National Tradesmen Day is an annual observance, falling on the third Friday of September, which serves to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the men and women responsible for the construction and development of the United States. These skilled tradespeople are the driving force behind the materialization of our nation's infrastructure and the fulfillment of essential societal needs, including shelter, clean water, sanitation, and modern conveniences that enhance our daily lives. The expertise and dedication of these tradespeople often go unnoticed, despite their pivotal role in ensuring the functionality and progress of our society. 


The profound impact of these tradesmen and women is often underestimated, as they are the bedrock upon which our nation's stability and well-being are built. The City of Savannah takes great pride in its association with some of the most skilled tradespeople in the region, spanning various fields such as water and conveyance, stormwater management, building maintenance, fleet services, water treatment and supply, water reclamation, and countless others. The dedication, expertise, and diligence of tradesmen and women is commended, as well as their unwavering commitment to upholding the essential functions that maintain the vitality of our city and our nation.



Van R. Johnson II, Mayor, Office of the Mayor
Financial Impact
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