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December 19, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
79. (Informational Update Only) - Update on Property Exchange with SCAD for the Exchange of Surplus Properties for the Construction of a New Savannah Police Headquarters
Strategic Priority
Good Government


To present an update on a proposal that would exchange City-owned properties for SCAD’s programming, design and construction of a new Police Headquarters.


City staff presented a proposal on the December 5, 2019 City Council agenda that would allow the City to replace the Savannah Police Department Headquarters (HQ's) without any out-of-pocket expense. City staff suggested the proposal to avoid the costly expense, up to $3 million for basic work to remediate the Police HQ's, which has suffered from inadequate capital investment and repair for several years. Now substandard building conditions threaten a safe working environment. By the Property Exchange Agreement, the City offered downtown properties of interest to SCAD in exchange for SCAD programming, designing and construction a new Police HQ's in value equal to the properties. This would meet the requirements of Georgia law that authorizes exchanges by local governments of equal value properties (hence no requirement of an RFP or auction procedure for public property).

Facts & Findings

  1. Staff requested a delay of the proposal for two reasons: 1) The expected hydrology report of Springfield Canal widening options, which arrived subsequent to the property exchange proposal, showed a potential need for part of the property located on Boundary Street and Louisville Road, known as The Wedge. A delay seemed prudent until a determination can be made about how much of the 5-acre parcel would be affected; 2) Concerns from Historic Landmark District residents about the future of the Police HQ's suggested a month delay to allow for more public comment.

  2. Staff continues to work with consulting engineers to determine expeditiously the impact of the Springfield Canal widening on The Wedge property. Plan A calls for improving drainage the Springfield Canal that extends parallel to Boundary Street; Plan B calls for a new Springfield Canal alignment west of the Wedge through property owned by Georgia Department of Transportation. While granting an easement, GDOT made it relocatable; by this alternative, the Springfield Canal would need to be relocated should the replacement Talmadge Bridge require foundations within the canal right-of-way. While none of these affect The Wedge today, the City should consider the impact of divesting itself of property that may be needed 6-10 years from now regardless of unknowns (i.e. future of Talmadge Bridge) until then.

  3. Staff is also suggesting more time to allow the public’s input on the future of the Police HQ's because of the building’s historic importance (1870) and since the current use offers a police presence downtown. Per the Council’s earlier direction, to acknowledge the building’s historic importance, SCAD would agree to: 1) Any exterior renovations would conform to the U.S. Department of Interior guidelines for historic buildings. 2) SCAD would maintain a feature noting the historic use as a “Police Barracks.” 3) An historic marker would commemorate the prior public use and heritage.

  4. Under the proposed plan, Police HQ's would be relocated to a location within the Canal District near the Arena now under construction. Despite Police HQ's relocation, the City would establish a police substation in downtown Savannah with uniformed personnel.

  5. Plans had already called for the relocation of Police HQ's within five years. Given those plans, spending up to $3 Million to renovate to improve working conditions would not increase the building’s value. Besides concerns about a safe working environment at Police Headquarters, its recent loss of parking detracts from the utility of the current site.



No Action Recommended

Patrick Monahan, City Manager
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Real Property Agreement - SCAD and City of Savannah Police Headquarters.pdf
Agenda Plus